Our story
Big Handsome Tea is named after the Big Handsome (big baby + handsome prince = Big Handsome). After several years as an electrical engineer, Michael/Dad asked the question, “what do I really want to do?”
After a few years of steeping, he realized a tea shop was his heart’s passion. Bringing the tea business to life feels like a deep conviction in his soul that he must release into the world. He imagines this is how artists must feel when they paint.
Rewinding to their engagement in 2017, a local OKC tea shop was a part of the special day. It only fit for this to become a family business. Michael is CEO and Joelle is COE (chief of everything else).
Their hope for Big Handsome Tea is to be a force for good in DFW, creating a space that others feel connected to within a world that often feels lonely. The dream is to open a brick & mortar shop one day. Until then, please share our online store with your friends— and come find Big Handsome at local festivals or book Big Handsome Tea for private events. Tea and people, they’re at their best when they’re together!
Follow us on Instagram: @big_handsome_tea